Video journey of our miles to Myles, by Uncle Paul

Monday, April 13, 2009


WE GOT OUR COURT DATE!!! A week from TODAY, Monday, April 20th--hopefully our adoption will be finalized in Rwanda!!!!! Who knows, maybe we'll be traveling a few days after that!!!



Meg said...


Angela said...

AHHHH!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Oh -- that's awesome news!!!!!!!!

Lots and lots and lots of prayers coming your way!!


Vincents said...

Sooo incredible. Can't wait and I'm sure you can't either! Congrats.

Susan said...

amazing news! so thrilled for you. will pray all goes through smoothly...

Tina Harriman said...

You must be beyond excited and I'm sure your arms are just aching with each passing day to hold your boy! So happy for you!

Adrianne Thompson said...

I'm so glad I'll be in Lancaster that day praying my butt off (at the Director's Retreat). So excited!

One Hot Homestead said...

Oh congratulations, how amazing!

Ashley Smith said...

wooo hooo!!!!

Erin said...

WOW!!! So awesome!!! Congrats!!!

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you guys! And can't wait to meet your little guy!

Gayla said...

congrats!!!! so happy for you!!!

elizabeth hunter said...

Yay Yay Yay!!!!! Just checked in and saw the great news. Before we blink you'll be there!!!!!! xxxooo elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Hoping you pass court tomorrow! Myles is so cute!