Video journey of our miles to Myles, by Uncle Paul

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chosen But Waiting

HOPE International had a team in Rwanda on a vision trip last week. The team visited the orphanage on Saturday (I think) and they asked the caretakers if they had chosen the "Greer baby." They were told that HAD BEEN CHOSEN--but the confirmation would be given Monday (yesterday) by Gladney staff. The baby room generally isn't allowed for visitors anyway. I believe that medical tests are being done now on our Myles and we should hear soon. Maybe hear by next week, don't you think?! (Here's hoping...)

For now, on to another house-project distraction. Just got back from buying semi-gloss yellow paint to paint "wallpaper stripes" in the nursery. :)


kimberly said...

laurel! how exciting!!! i hope you don't have to wait too long to hear the name of your new son!!

elizabeth hunter said...

What would we all do without fun household projects? Wallpaper stripes...oooh! Hang in there. Word is coming.

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

That is awesome news! God is so good! Please let us know AS SOON AS YOU KNOW!!!

PS Thank you for your prayers for our family during this time!

Unknown said...

sad for me... my first visit. I had no idea what I was missing. I'm so happy I chimmed in today for the great news!
Winter, typical busy schedules, and my friend's recent mission trip to Nicaragua had me missing and thinking of the Greer's. What a wonderful gift you have given us all (the site), as you wait for your amazing gift -thank you. Can't wait to meet him. Please tell Keith and Lily we miss them!

Tina Harriman said...

I feel the need to admit that I have probably checked your blog 10 times in the past 2 days. It is so exciting and I remember well the few days that lapsed between when I was told the nuns had chosen and when I actually received pictures of JP. I must have checked my email 50 times a day! Hang in there...we are all so excited for you. And be prepared that you are about to enter the most difficult stage as you stare at your babies face and wonder how long it will be till you get to hold him in your arms. Remember that His timing IS perfect!