Video journey of our miles to Myles, by Uncle Paul

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Little Tiny Babies

Painting the stripes in Myles' room went well yesterday. Even though it's a tiny room, it is taking a long time-which is FINE! Peter and I will paint his ceiling tonight and finish up the trim. It's been so fun spending time in there, praying and day dreaming about him. I think the kids have enjoyed the time in there too, bringing in stuffed animals to put in his crib, "helping" with the stripes, etc. While I was painting, Liliana put her music on in her room. The song "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" was on...repeat. I think it's so funny that it was on repeat-God knew I needed to hear those words. I heard it over and over again before I really listened to the memorized words. "He's got the little tiny His Hands" resounded in my heart. I felt such a peace knowing that, no matter how crazy it feels right now with this longing to know so many answers to the oodles of questions we have about our child, our travel, care for the children while we're gone...I DO know that He has our Little Tiny Baby in His Hands...not to mention the WHOLE WORLD. :)


Vincents said...

so cool! I look forward to the day when i can prep our baby(s) room! I am so excited to hear something about Myles. Hopefully this week!

Tina Harriman said...

What a cool "God moment" I love when that happens! And yeah it's liek 7:30 in the morning and I am already checking for any news!! Ha ha. I think I am borderline stalking you! If you ever want to talk directly, instead of through our blogs my email is
I'll be checking in doubt!